mumbo jumbo
  • IPA: /mʌmbəʊˈdʒʌmbəʊ/

mumbo jumbo

  1. (historical) A deity or other supernatural being said to have been worshipped by certain West African peoples; an idol.
  2. (religion) Any object of superstition; religious words and/or actions which are seen as superstitious or fraudulent.
    Rev. Quack's healing services are little more than mumbo jumbo.
  3. (by extension) Any confusing or meaningless speech; nonsense, gibberish.
    Synonyms: Thesaurus:nonsense
    Football lingo is mumbo jumbo to me.
    There were a bunch of foreigners speaking their Mumbo Jumbo clustered ahead of me at Customs.
  • Russian: абракадабра

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