
overlord (plural overlords)

  1. A ruler of other rulers.
    The various tribal chieftains met each spring to elect an overlord that would lead them in time of war.
  2. (historical) In the English feudal system, a lord of a manor who had subinfeudated a particular manor, estate or fee, to a tenant.
    ''The tenant thenceforth owed to the overlord one of a variety of services, usually military service or serjeanty, depending on which form of tenure the estate was held under.
  3. Anyone with overarching power or authority in a given domain.
    The crusty old professor was overlord of the history department, and few dared to cross his will.
Related terms
  • overlady
  • Italian: signore supremo, sovrano
  • Russian: царь
  • Italian: signore feudale
  • Spanish: señor feudal

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