

  1. (rare or chiefly, dialectal) Made of paper
    • 1832, Sylvanus Urban (pseud. van Edward Cave.), Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle:
      A woodhouse is rightly a house for wood, and a woodenhouse one made of wood; a paper bag, a bag for papers, and a papern bag, one made of paper; an iron tool, one for working in iron, and an ironen tool, one of iron, and so on.
    • 1904, The Living Age - Volume 242:
      Afore night 'twur the talk o' all the parish, an' folk did run in an' out all day long for a week to look at un. An' I got a basket o 'apples an' a papern bag o' lollipops for the childern to carr' in my pocket. [...] But the lollipops had all a-melted drough the papern bag, an' he wur a-stickt to my pocket.

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