  1. Damned (used as a mild intensive).
    I can't get this pigging computer to work.
Synonyms Verb
  1. present participle of pig#English|pig

pigging (plural piggings)

  1. (engineering) The use of a pig qual the device to clean a pipeline.
    • 1955, American Gas Association, Proceedings (volume 37, page 1083)
      The main reason for the high efficiencies obtained over previous piggings can be attributed to the vented swabs with the check valve.

pigging (plural piggings)

  1. Alternative form of piggin#English|piggin
    • , Charles Lamb, Essays of Elia
      He had his tea and hot rolls in a morning, while we were battening upon our quarter-of-a-penny loaf — our crug — moistened with attenuated small beer, in wooden piggings, smacking of the pitched leathern jack it was poured from.

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