power set

power set (plural power sets)

  1. (set theory, of a set S) The set whose elements comprise all the subsets of S (including the empty set and S itself).
    The power set of \{1, 2\} is \left \{\empty, \{1\}, \{2\}, \{1, 2\}\right \}.
    • 2009, Arindama Singh, Elements of Computation Theory, Springer, page 16 ↗,
      Moreover, for notational convenience, we write the cardinality of a denumerable set as \aleph_0. Cardinality of the power set of a denumerable set is written as \aleph_1. We may thus extend this notation further by taking cardinality of the power set of the power set of a denumerable set as \aleph_2, etc. but we do not have the need for it right now.
    • 2013, A. Carsetti, Epistemic Complexity and Knowledge Construction, Springer, page 94 ↗,
      Theorem 4.1. A complete Boolean algebra B has a set of (complete and atomic) ca-free generators iff B is isomorphic to the power set of a power set.
    • 2015, Amir D. Aczel, Finding Zero: A Mathematician's Odyssey to Uncover the Origins of Numbers, Palgrave MacMillan, page 147 ↗,
      Exponentiation is essentially a move to the power set—the set of all subsets of a given set. This is one of the reasons why Bertrand Russell's paradox is indeed a paradox: We cannot find a universal set because no set can contain its own power set!
  • French: ensemble des parties
  • German: Potenzmenge
  • Italian: insieme delle parti, insieme potenza
  • Portuguese: conjunto de partes
  • Russian: булеан
  • Spanish: conjunto de partes

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