  • IPA: /ˈɹæz.mə.tæz/

razzmatazz (uncountable)

  1. Ambiguous or meaningless language.
    He says he's late for the meeting because his daughter had an emergency at school, but I don't buy this razzmatazz.
  2. Empty and tiresome speculation.
    A few politicians are creating some razzmatazz about reinstating the draft.
  3. (informal) Something presenting itself in a fanciful and showy, often unrealistic manner, especially when intended to impress and confuse.
    Is he really the next big thing, or is all the media attention just a bunch of razzmatazz?
  4. (rare) A long and imposing series of mindless but necessary tasks; drudgery.
    When I finally got done dealing with all the razzmatazz of college registration, I decided to go out and have a drink.

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