

  1. (rare, sometimes, proscribed) Seldom; rarely.
    • 1864, Ellen L. Biscoe Hollis, The Winthrops, page 265:
      the universally felt, yet seldomly acknowledged truth […]
    • circa 1864 Emily Dickinson, ‘So set its sun in thee’, Poems:
      So I the ships may see / That touch how seldomly / Thy shore?
    • 1999, Philip Greenspun, Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing:
      Very seldomly will you need to store email addresses or names that are anywhere near as long as 100 characters.
    • 2011, Bart D. Ehrman, The Reliability of the New Testament, p. 132:
      Additionally, orthographic variants only very seldomly affect the text itself.

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