Pronunciation Verb

shirr (shirrs, present participle shirring; past and past participle shirred)

  1. (US, sewing) To make gathers in textiles by drawing together parallel threads.
  2. (US, transitive) To bake (a raw egg removed from its shell) in a baking dish.
    • 2006, Kim Severson, THE CHEF: ANNE QUATRANO; Letting the Land Make a Statement on the Plate, NYTimes, July 6
      But her favorite way to express their simplicity is to shirr them. It's an old-fashioned technique that essentially means baking an egg. In her version, the eggs in ramekins are simmered in seasoned cream that reduces slightly into a soft sauce.
Translations Noun

shirr (plural shirrs)

  1. (sewing) A shirring.

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