  • (America) IPA: /ʃɔːɹtli/

shortly (not comparable)

  1. In a short or brief time or manner; quickly.
  2. In or after a short time; soon.
  3. In few words
    Synonyms: briefly, concisely
    Ideas are generally expressed more shortly in verse than in prose
    • 1749, Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. In Six Volumes, volume (please specify ), London: Printed by A[ndrew] Millar, […], OCLC 928184292 ↗:
      We shall not describe this tragical scene too fully; but we thought ourselves obliged, by that historic integrity which we profess, shortly to hint a matter which we would otherwise have been glad to have spared.
  4. In an irritable ("short") manner.
    Synonyms: abruptly, curtly
    • 2009, Susanne James, The Millionaire's Chosen Bride (page 147)
      'Well, I still think it was a rather off-hand way for you—for anyone—to behave,' he said shortly.
      Suddenly Melody felt trapped—and annoyed. And she didn't like being spoken to like a child, either.
Translations Translations
  • Italian: tra poco
Translations Translations
  • Russian: отры́висто

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