tin anniversary
  • (America) IPA: /ˈtɪn ænɪˌvɜɹsəɹi/, /ˈtɪn ænəˌvɜɹsəɹi/

tin anniversary

  1. (informal) The tenth anniversary of something, especially a wedding.
    • 1977, "[http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=94ciAAAAIBAJ&sjid=iqoFAAAAIBAJ&pg=4253,1042622 The Golden Landmark]", The Sumter Daily Item, 9 September 1977:
      And a couple marrying at age 65 today can look forward to their tin anniversary, or at least 10 years of marriage.
    • 1991, Craig R. Whitney, "An Anniversary Dinner That's a Feast for Gossips ↗", The New York Times, 30 July 1991:
      Their tin anniversary [Prince Charles and Princess Diana's] today has been kicked around by Fleet Street so hard it almost rattles, but millions of Britons and other royal-watchers around the world are wont to hear all the dirt, making publishers of racy newspapers and glossy magazines rich.
    • 2011, Jameson Berkow, "Bootup: Major Apple product launch rumoured for Thursday ↗", Financial Post, 17 May 2011:
      The connection to a possible launch is that Apple opened its first two retail stores on that date in 2001; suggesting the Cupertino, Calif.-based company might be planning something special to celebrate its tin anniversary.

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