  1. (archaic) Simple past tense and past participle of wit
    • a1796, Robert Burns, "Bonie Jean: A Ballad", in Poems and Songs, P.F. Collier & Son (1909–14), Bartleby.com (2001), ,
      And lang ere witless Jeanie wist, / Her heart was tint, her peace was stown!
    • 1837 Thomas Carlyle, The French Revolution: A History
      Did the maledicent Bodyguard, getting (as was too inevitable) better malediction than he gave, load his musketoon, and threaten to fire; and actually fire? Were wise who wist!

wist (wists, present participle wisting; past and past participle wisted)

  1. (nonstandard, pseudo-archaic) To know, be aware of.

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