  • (depending on the word taking the suffix) IPA: /-aɪn/, /-iːn/, /-ɪn~-ən/
  1. (chiefly non-productive) Of or pertaining to.
    asinine, marine, bovine, cervine
  2. Used to form demonyms.
    Levantine, Byzantine, Argentine
  3. (chemistry) Used to form names of chemical substances, especially basic (alkaline) substances, alkaloidal substances, or halogen elements.
    amine, aniline, caffeine, iodine
  4. (non-productive) Used to form feminine nouns.
    hero + -ine → heroine
    speaker + -ine → speakerine
  5. (non-productive) Used to form female given names or names of titles.
    Clement + -ine → Clementine
    landgrave + -ine → landgravine
  6. Commercial materials
    glass + -ine → glassine
Related terms Translations Suffix
  1. ngd Can be used to denote the plural form of a small number of English words:
    cow + -ine → kine
    sow + -ine → swine

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