see also: Ada

ADA (plural ADAs)

  1. Initialism of adenosine deaminase, the enzyme that specifically affects RNA. See ADAR.
  2. Initialism of assistant district attorney
  3. Acronym of anti-doping agency
Related terms Proper noun
  1. Initialism of American Dental Association
  2. Initialism of Americans for Democratic Action
  3. Initialism of Americans with Disabilities Act
  4. Initialism of American Diabetes Association
  5. Initialism of Air Defense Artillery
  6. Initialism of Association of Drainage Authorities

  • IPA: /ˈeɪdə/
Proper noun
  1. A female given name.
    • 1818 George Gordon Byron, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto the third: I:
      Is thy face like thy mother's, my fair child! / Ada! Sole daughter of my house and heart?
  2. (computing) A programming language.
  3. A city/county seat in Norman County, Minnesota
  4. A city/county seat in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma.

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