see also: Anglo-
  1. Alternative letter-case form of Anglo-#English|Anglo-

  • (British) IPA: /ˈæŋ.ɡləʊ/
  1. A combining form relating to England or, by extension, the United Kingdom.
    Anglo-Indian#Adjective|Anglo-Indian rule brought railroads, but also some of the worst famines in history.
    Anglo-German naval rivalry was a contributing factor to the First World War.
  2. A combining form relating to the English or British people, culture, or livestock.
    The Anglo-Indian#Noun|Anglo-Indian Cliff Richard's 1952 "Move It" is sometimes credited as the first British rock hit.
    T.S. Eliot was an anglophile.
    Anglo-Kirghiz mares, now better known as Novokirghiz, produce more milk than representatives of either separate lineage.
  3. A combining form relating to the English language.
    Japanese anglophone#Noun|anglophones—but not Chinese ones—often struggle with distinguishing /r/ and /l/.

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