  • (British) IPA: /ˈaɹəbɪst/

Arabist (plural Arabists)

  1. (anthropology, linguistics) A scholar who studies Arab or Arabic culture, politics, or language. [from 17th c.]
  2. (historical) One who followed the Arabic system of medicine or (more broadly) scholarship. [from 18th c.]
  3. (political) One that wants to spread Arabic culture; an Arab nationalist. [from 20th c.]
Translations Translations
  • Portuguese: arabista


  1. Pertaining to Arabism; medieval Arabic scholarship. [from 19th c.]
  2. Pertaining to the study of Arabic language or culture. [from 19th c.]
  3. Pertaining to Arab nationalism; promoting Arab interests. [from 20th c.]
    • 2015, Eugene Rogan, The Fall of the Ottomans, Penguin 2016, p. 24:
      Two of the most influential Arabist societies were established beyond the reach of Ottoman censors and police.

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