Etymology Pronunciation Noun
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Etymology Pronunciation Noun
- A grant-in-aid to a student.
- The character or qualities of a scholar.
- The activity, methods or attainments of a scholar.
- (uncountable) The sum of knowledge accrued by scholars; the realm of refined learning.
- (Australia, dated) The first year of high school, often accompanied by exams that needed to be passed before advancement to the higher grades.
- (money to assist a student to study) allowance, grant, stipend, subsidy, bursary
- (character of a scholar)
- (activity of a scholar) scholarly method
- (knowledge accrued by the activity of scholars)
- French: bourse, bourse d'études
- German: Stipendium
- Italian: borsa di studio
- Portuguese: bolsa de estudos
- Russian: стипе́ндия
- Spanish: beca
- German: Gelehrsamkeit (archaic), Gelehrtheit
- French: érudition
- German: Gelehrtheit , Erudiertheit (elevated)
- Portuguese: sabedoria
- Russian: эруди́ция
- Spanish: erudición, sabiduría
scholarship (scholarships, present participle scholarshiping; simple past and past participle scholarshiped)
- (intransitive) To attend an institution on a scholarship.
- (transitive) To grant a scholarship to.
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