see also: Babel

babel (plural babels)

  1. Alternative form of Babel

  • (RP) IPA: /ˈbeɪ.bl̩/
  • (GA) IPA: /ˈbæb.l̩/
  • (Canada) IPA: /ˈbeɪ.bl̩/, /ˈbæb.l̩/
Proper noun
  1. The city and tower in the land of Shinar where the confusion of languages took place, according to the Bible.
    • Therefore is the name of it called Babel. — Genesis 11:9.

babel (plural babels)

  1. A confused mixture of sounds and voices, especially in different languages. [from 16th c.]
    • 2007, Edwin Mullins, The Popes of Avignon, Blue Bridge 2008, p. 48:
      A babel of languages could be heard in the streets and the squares, mingling with the local Provençal.
  2. A place or scene of noise and confusion. [from 16th c.]
  3. A tall, looming structure. [from 16th c.]

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