  • IPA: /ˌkɛlt.ɪˈbɪ(ə)r.i.ən/, /ˌkɛlt.aɪˈbɪ(ə)r.i.ən/, /ˌsɛlt.ɪˈbɪ(ə)r.i.ən/, /ˌsɛlt.aɪˈbɪ(ə)r.i.ən/

Celtiberian (plural Celtiberians)

  1. A member of a Celtic people living in the Iberian Peninsula, chiefly in what is now north central Spain, before and during the Roman Empire.
Translations Proper noun
  1. An extinct Indo-European language of the Celtic branch spoken by these people in an area of the Iberian Peninsula lying between the headwaters of the Duero, Tajo, Júcar and Turia rivers and the Ebro river.
  • German: Keltiberisch
  • Russian: кельтиберский
  • Spanish: celtíbero

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