see also: Dom, DOM

dom (plural doms)

  1. A dominator (in sadomasochistic sexual practices), especially a male one.
  • (dominator) domme (female)

dom (doms, present participle domming; past and past participle dommed)

  1. (slang, online gaming or BDSM) To dominate.
    • 2006, Bitch: feminist response to pop culture (issues 31-34)
      Nola is actually "Nurse Nola," a dominatrix who specializes in medical role playing. […] "After that," she continues, "I started domming, which I did for a long time, but have never liked much.

dom (plural doms)

  1. A title anciently given to the pope, and later to other church dignitaries and some monastic orders.

dom (plural doms)

  1. A title formerly borne by member of the high nobility of Portugal and Brazil

Pronunciation Proper noun
  1. A male given name, a form of Dominic.
Proper noun
  1. An Indo-Aryan ethnic group, living mainly in the Middle East and North Africa.


dom (plural doms)

  1. Initialism of date of marriage
  2. (biochemistry) Initialism of dissolved organic matter
  3. (computing) Acronym of Document Object Model

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