see also: Date
Proper noun
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see also: Date
- IPA: /deɪt/
date (plural dates)
- The fruit of the date palm, Phoenix dactylifera, somewhat in the shape of an olive, containing a soft, sweet pulp and enclosing a hard kernel.
- We made a nice cake from dates.
- The date palm.
- There were a few dates planted around the house.
date (plural dates)
- The addition to a writing, inscription, coin, etc., which specifies the time (especially the day, month, and year) when the writing or inscription was given, executed, or made.
- the date of a letter, of a will, of a deed, of a coin, etc.
- US date : 05/24/08 = Tuesday, May 24th, 2008. UK date : 24/05/08 = Tuesday 24th May 2008.
- 1681, John Dryden, The Spanish Friar
- And bonds without a date, they say, are void.
- A specific day in time at which a transaction or event takes place, or is appointed to take place; a given point of time.
- the date for pleading
- The start date for the festival is September 2.
- 1844, Mark Akenside, The Pleasures of the Imagination, Book II
- He at once, Down the long series of eventful time, So fix'd the dates of being, so disposed To every living soul of every kind The field of motion, and the hour of rest.
- Do you know the date of the wedding?
- We had to change the dates of the festival because of the flooding.
- A point in time.
- You may need that at a later date.
- (rare) Assigned end; conclusion.
- 1717, Alexander Pope, “The Rape of the Lock”, in The Works of Mr. Alexander Pope, volume I, London: Printed by W[illiam] Bowyer, for Bernard Lintot, […], OCLC 43265629 ↗:
- What Time would spare, from Steel receives its date.
- (obsolete) Given or assigned length of life; duration.
, - Good luck prolonged hath thy date.
- 1611-15, George Chapman (translator), Homer (author), Odyssey, Volume 1, Book IV,[ ] lines 282–5,
- As now Saturnius, through his life's whole date,
- Hath Nestor's bliss raised to as steep a state,
- Both in his age to keep in peace his house,
- And to have children wise and valorous.
- A pre-arranged meeting.
- I arranged a date with my Australian business partners.
- 1903, Guy Wetmore Carryl, The Lieutenant-Governor, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, page 121:
- "Why, Mr. Nisbet! I thought you were in New York."
- "I had a telegram this morning, calling the date off,"
- One's companion for social activities or occasions.
- I brought Melinda to the wedding as my date.
A romantic meeting or outing with a lover or potential lover, or the person so met. - We really hit it off on the first date, so we decided to meet the week after.
- We slept together on the first date.
- The cinema is a popular place to take someone on a date.
- French: rendez-vous, rencard
- German: Treffen, Verabredung
- Italian: incontro, appuntamento (also romantic meeting)
- Portuguese: encontro (romantic meeting)
- Russian: встре́ча
- Spanish: cita
- French: cavalier
- German: Verabredung (colloquial, for either gender)
- Italian: accompagnatore, cavaliere
- Portuguese: acompanhante
- Spanish: compañero, compañera
- French: rendez-vous, rendez-vous d'amour
- German: Rendezvous, Date, Verabredung, Stelldichein
- Italian: appuntamento
- Portuguese: encontro
- Russian: свида́ние
- Spanish: cita
date (dates, present participle dating; past and past participle dated)
- (transitive) To note the time of writing or executing; to express in an instrument the time of its execution.
- to date a letter, a bond, a deed, or a charter
- (transitive) To note or fix the time of (an event); to give the date of.
- (transitive) To determine the age of something.
- to date the building of the pyramids
- (transitive) To take (someone) on a date, or a series of dates.
- (transitive, by extension) To have a steady relationship with; to be romantically involved with.
- (reciprocal, by extension) To have a steady relationship with each other; to be romantically involved with each other.
- They met a couple of years ago, but have been dating for about five months.
- (intransitive) To become old, especially in such a way as to fall out of fashion, become less appealing or attractive, etc.
- This show hasn't dated well.
- (intransitive, with from) To have beginning; to begin; to be dated or reckoned.
- The Batavian republic dates from the successes of the French arms.
- (have a steady relationship) go out, see; see also Thesaurus:date
- (become old) age, elden, obsolesce; see also Thesaurus:to age
- French: vieillir
- Portuguese: envelhecer
- Russian: устарева́ть
- Portuguese: datar
- Russian: дати́роваться
Proper noun
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