grand slam
see also: Grand Slam

grand slam (plural grand slams)

  1. (bridge) The bid and winning of all the tricks during the play of one hand.
  2. (sports) The winning of all available, major or specified events in a given year or sports season.
  3. (baseball) Hitting a home run when the bases are loaded.
Translations Translations Translations
Grand Slam
Proper noun
  1. (British, football) winning in each of the three UEFA cups - UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League and Cup Winners' Cup (defunct).
  2. (tennis) The four biggest competitions of the year: Wimbledon, the French Open, Australian Open and the US Open
  3. (rugby) Victory in every game in the Six Nations competition between England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, France and Italy
  4. (rugby) Victory by a Southern Hemisphere national team over all of the Home Nations—England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland—in a single tour
  5. (golf) The four (or five) biggest competitions of the year, see Grand Slam (golf) on Wikipedia.
Related terms Translations

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