see also: Knickerbocker

knickerbocker (uncountable)

  1. (archaic, used attributively as a modifier) Of or relating to knickerbockers.
    • 1892, The Twentieth Century
      ...with a rudimentary beard to set it off, a dirty shirt, a rifle, a coat over my arm, and half a grouse in my knickerbocker pocket.
    • 1905, Daniel Leavens Cady, Stray Breaths of North East Song
      His knickerbocker days are gone,
      His last long stockings laid away:
      My baby has his trousers on, —
      My boy becomes a man to-day.
  2. A linsey-woolsey fabric with a rough knotted surface on the right side, formerly used for women's dresses.


knickerbocker (plural knickerbockers)

  1. (archaic or historical) A New Yorker, particularly a scion of its old Dutch families
  2. (basketball, uncommon) A player for the New York Knicks
  3. (baseball, historical) A player for the New York Knickerbockers

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