Kris Kringle
  • (RP, GA) IPA: /ˌkɹɪs ˈkɹɪŋɡ(ə)l/
Proper noun
  1. Synonym of Christkind#English|Christkind (“a personification of the baby Jesus who, in German-speaking parts of Europe, takes the place of Santa Claus in bringing gifts to people at Christmastime”)
  2. Synonym of Santa Claus#English|Santa Claus
Related terms Noun

Kris Kringle

  1. Synonym of secret Santa#English|secret Santa (“a Christmas tradition where a group#Noun|group of people give anonymous gift#Noun|gifts to each other, with each person randomly select#Verb|selected to give a gift to one other person; a person who anonymously gives a present#Noun|present to another in such a gift exchange#Noun|exchange”)
  2. A gift given in a Kris Kringle or secret Santa gift exchange.

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