see also: Mons
Pronunciation Noun

mons (plural montes)

  1. (obsolete, palmistry) One of the fleshy areas at the base of the fingers; a mount.
  2. The pubic mound or mons pubis. In human anatomy or in mammals in general, the mons pubis (Latin for "pubic mound"), also known as the mons veneris (Latin, mound of Venus) or simply the mons, is the adipose tissue lying above the pubic bone of adult females, anterior to the pubic symphysis. The mons pubis forms the anterior portion of the vulva.
  3. (astronomy, geology) A mountain or extinct volcano on a planet or a moon.
    Olympus Mons (Mars)
    Maxwell Montes (Venus).

Proper noun
  1. Capital city of the province of Hainaut, Belgium.
Translations Proper noun
  1. A female given name
  2. A male given name

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