see also: Perry
  • IPA: /ˈpɛɹi/


  1. A fermented alcoholic beverage made from pears; somewhat analogous to cider.
    • 1853: The Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal
      M. Vasse never observed a fatal termination unless in two instances ; in which the persons, adults, had drank perry in large quantity.
    • 1892: Drinks of the World by James Mew and ‎John Ashton
      Perry is less popular than cider, but some consider it superior.
    • 2017: Glister by Andi Watson
      Sip the perry of the Black Worchester and you will belch clouds of soot.
Synonyms Translations
Proper noun
  1. Surname derived from the Old English pyrige.
  2. A unisex given name.
    1. A unisex given name.
    2. A unisex given name.
  3. A placename.
    1. A township in Ontario, Canada
    2. A village in Cambridgeshire, England
    3. A town in Arkansas, USA.
    4. A city/county seat in Taylor County, Florida.
    5. A city/county seat in Houston County, Georgia.
    6. A village in Illinois, USA.
    7. A city in Iowa, USA.
    8. A city in Kansas, USA.
    9. A town in Maine, USA.
    10. A city in Michigan, USA.
    11. A city in Missouri, USA.
    12. A village in Ohio, USA.
    13. A city in Oklahoma, USA.
    14. A city in Utah, USA.

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