
XP (uncountable)

  1. (computing) Initialism of Extreme Programming
  2. (medicine) Initialism of Xeroderma Pigmentosum

XP (plural XP)

  1. (role-playing games) Initialism of Experience Point
Proper noun
  1. (computing) Windows XP
  1. (aviation, military, obsolete, US) experimental, pursuit, fighter (prefix)

XP (plural XPs)

  1. (grammar, X-bar theory) Initialism of X Phrase a phrase which consists of either: (1) an optional specifier and an X-bar phrase, or (2) a conjunction sandwiched between two other XPs. The X is a "pro-letter" which can be substituted by letters such as N for noun, V for verb, P for preposition, I for inflectional, etc.

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