Your Majesty
  1. (formal) A title of respect used when addressing a monarch#English|monarch of higher rank than a prince#English|prince; that is, a king#English|king, queen#English|queen, emperor#English|emperor, or empress#English|empress.
    • circa 1605 William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act 1, scene 6:
      All our service,
      In every point twice done and then double done,
      Were poor and single business to contend
      Against whose honors deep and broad wherewith
      Your Majesty loads our house.
    • circa 1845 Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte-Cristo, page 59:
      “ Sire,” said Villefort, “ the rapidity of the event must prove to your majesty that God alone can prevent it, by raising a tempest ; what your majesty is pleased to attribute to me as profound perspicacity is simply owing to chance ; and I have profited by that chance, like a good and devoted servant—that's all. Do not attribute to me more than I deserve, sire, that your majesty may never have occasion to recall the first opinion you have been pleased to form of me.”
  2. (informal, sarcastic) A sarcastic term of address to anyone who is (or is acting) pompous#English|pompous or bossy#English|bossy.
  • French: Votre Majesté, sire
  • German: Ihre Majestät
  • Italian: Sua Maestà, Vostra Maestà
  • Portuguese: Vossa Majestade
  • Russian: госуда́рь
  • Spanish: Su Majestad

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