  • (RP) IPA: /əˈbʌt.mn̩t/
  • (America) IPA: /əˈbʌt.mn̩t/


  1. The point of junction between two things, in particular a support, that abut#English|abuts. [First attested in the mid 17th century.]
  2. (engineering, architecture) The solid portion of a structure that supports the lateral pressure of an arch or vault. [First attested in the mid 18th century.]
  3. (engineering) A construction that supports the ends of a bridge; a structure that anchors the cables on a suspension bridge. [First attested in the mid 18th century.]
  4. (meteorology) The part of a valley or canyon wall against which a dam is constructed.
    Heavy rains have caused the dam's abutments to seep, raising concern over possible dam failure.
  5. Something that abuts, or on which something abuts. [First attested in the mid 18th century.]
  6. The state of abutting.
  7. (architecture) That element that shares a common boundary or surface with its neighbor.
  8. (dentistry) The tooth that supports a denture or bridge.
  9. A fixed point or surface where resistance is obtained.
    The fulcrum acted as an abutment.
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