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- IPA: /əˈhɛd/
ahead (not comparable)
- In or to the front; in advance; onward.
- The island was directly ahead.
- In the direction one is facing or moving.
- Just ahead you can see the cliffs.
- In or for the future.
- There may be tough times ahead.
- You've got to think ahead so as not to be unprepared.
- At an earlier time.
- He paid his rent ahead.
- Having progressed more.
- In all of his classes Jack was ahead.
- French: devant
- Italian: avanti
- Portuguese: à frente (in the front), para frente (to the front)
- Russian: вперёд
- Spanish: al frente de, delante de, adelante
- Italian: davanti
- Italian: anticipatamente, al futuro
- Italian: antecedentemente, in anticipo
- Italian: avanti
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.004