see also: Balder
  1. comparative form of bald

Proper noun
  1. (Norse mythology) The Norse god of light and purity, a son of Odin and Freya, known for his beauty and near-invulnerability.
    • 2005, A. Bhatnagar, William Charles Livingston, Fundamentals of Solar Astronomy, page 3 ↗,
      Among the Norse, the god Balder is the most closely associated with the solstices. In a myth that explains the actions of the midsummer and midwinter Sun, Balder, the son of the god Odin, was said to die at the hands of his evil brother, who wielded a mistletoe stake each summer solstice. He was reborn at the winter solstice, or what is still known in Germany as Mother Night (the 'mother' in question being the goddess who brings the new born Sun back into existence).
    • 2008, Michael Ward, Planet Narnia: The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C. S. Lewis, unnumbered page ↗,
      What he does not mention is that Balder is the Norse counterpart of Helios (the Greek forerunner of Sol); he was the god of light, son of Odin and Frigg, as Helios was the son of Hyperion and Theia.

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