ball game
  • IPA: /ˈbɔːl ˌɡeɪm/

ball game (plural ball games)

  1. Any game played with a ball.
    Basketball, cricket, and football are three kinds of ball game.
  2. A specific contest or match between teams playing such a game, in particular a baseball game.
    George and Harriet went to the stadium to see the ball game.
  3. A sport played in the Aztec and Mayan civilizations; Mesoamerican ballgame.
    The ball game was the main sport in Central America before the arrival of the Spanish.
  4. (figurative) Affair, issue, matter, subject, story, topic.
  • French: jeu de ballon
  • German: Ballspiel
  • Portuguese: jogo de bola
  • Russian: игра́ с мяч
  • Spanish: juego de pelota
  • Russian: матч
  • French: jeu de balle

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