  • (America) IPA: /ˈbinɚ/

beaner (plural beaners)

  1. (US, racial slur, offensive) A Mexican.
  • Spanish: (please verify) frijolero, mejichango, saltamuros

beaner (plural beaners)

  1. (baseball) A pitch deliberately thrown at the head (the bean) of the batter.
  2. (by extension, informal) Head.
    • 2011, Mike Griffin, Tales of the Lost Flamingo, AuthorHouse (2011), ISBN 9781456760533, page 159 ↗:
      Before Chester could compose himself, the Bombshell leaned over and planted a ruby red smackaroo right on top of his bald spot. Chester Cranepool had had a few things hit him on top of his head before, but nothing that felt that good. Looking like a Franciscan monk with a bullseye on his beaner, Chester simply said, “Bless you, my child.”
  3. (US, slang, dated) A superior or admirable person; something excellent.

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