    • enPR: dĭlĭbʹərət, IPA: /dɪˈlɪbəɹət/
    • (weak vowel) enPR: dəlĭbʹərət, IPA: /dəˈlɪbəɹət/
    • enPR: dĭlĭbʹərāt, IPA: /dɪˈlɪbəɹeɪt/
    • (weak vowel) enPR: dəlĭbʹərāt, IPA: /dəˈlɪbəɹeɪt/


  1. Done on purpose; intentional.
    Tripping me was deliberate action.
    Synonyms: purposeful, volitional, Thesaurus:intentional
    Antonyms: unintentional, unwitting
  2. Of a person, weighing facts and arguments with a view to a choice or decision; carefully considering the probable consequences of a step; slow in determining.
    The jury took eight hours to come to its deliberate verdict.
    Synonyms: circumspect, thoughtful
  3. Formed with deliberation; carefully considered; not sudden or rash.
    a deliberate opinion; a deliberate measure or result
    Synonyms: careful, cautious, well-advised, Thesaurus:cautious
  4. Not hasty or sudden; slow.
Translations Translations
  • German: wohlerwogen, wohlüberlegt
  • Portuguese: deliberado
  • Russian: осмотри́тельный
Translations Translations Verb

deliberate (deliberates, present participle deliberating; past and past participle deliberated)

  1. (transitive) To consider carefully; to weigh well in the mind.
    It is now time for the jury to deliberate the guilt of the defendant.
  2. (intransitive) To consider the reasons for and against anything; to reflect.
Translations Related terms

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