  • (British) IPA: /bləʊn/
  • (America) IPA: /bloʊn/

blown (not comparable)

  1. distended, swollen or inflated
    Cattle are said to be blown when gorged with green food which develops gas.
  2. panting and out of breath
  3. (of glass) Formed by blowing
  4. Under the influence of drugs, especially marijuana.
  5. (obsolete) stale; worthless
    • 1816, Jedadiah Cleishbotham [pseudonym; Walter Scott], chapter II, in Tales of My Landlord, [...] In Four Volumes, volume II (Old Mortality), Edinburgh: Printed [by James Ballantyne and Co.] for William Blackwood, […]; London: John Murray, […], OCLC 230697985 ↗, page 33 ↗:
      [T]wo or three horsemen, [...] appeared returning at full gallop, their horses much blown, and the men apparently in a disordered flight.
  6. Covered with the eggs and larvae of flies; flyblown.
  7. (automotive) Given a hot rod blower.
  • German: aufgebläht
  1. past participle of blow#English|blow

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