  • IPA: /bʌs/, enPR: bŭs
  • (Northern England, Ireland) IPA: /bʊs/
  • (AU, New Zealand, RP, Scotland, Mid-Atlantic) IPA: /bɐs/
  • (Northern Cities Vowel Shift, Ireland) IPA: /bɔs/

bus (plural buses)

  1. (automotive) A motor vehicle for transporting large numbers of people along roads.
  2. An electrical conductor or interface serving as a common connection for two or more circuits or components.
  3. (medical industry, slang) An ambulance.
Synonyms Verb

bus (busses, present participle bussing; past and past participle bussed)

  1. (transitive, automotive, transport) To transport via a motor bus.
  2. (transitive, automotive, transport, chiefly, US) To transport students to school, often to a more distant school for the purposes of achieving racial integration.
    • 1966, Phil Ochs, "Love Me, I'm a Liberal", Phils Ochs in Concert.
      quote en
    • 2008, Ashley R. Holm, Racial Differences in Student Engagement and Attainment: A Study of Topeka High School, 1939--1984, ProQuest ISBN 9780549750758, page 23
      ...to strike down Detroit's federal court order to bus students across school district lines for the purpose of desegregation and therefore nullify many busing programs throughout the country.
  3. (intransitive, automotive, transport) To travel by bus.
  4. (transitive, US, food service) To clear meal remains from.
    He bussed tables as the restaurant emptied out.
  5. (intransitive, US, food service) To work at clearing the remains of meals from tables or counters; to work as a busboy.
    He’s been bussing for minimum wage.

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