  • IPA: /ʃɪˈkeɪn/, /t͡ʃɪˈkeɪn/


  1. (road transport, motor racing) A temporary barrier, or serpentine curve, on a vehicular path, especially one designed to reduce speed.
  2. (bridge) The holding of a hand without trumps, or the hand itself. It counts as simple honours.
  3. Chicanery.
    • In this character of the Americans, a love of freedom is the predominating feature which marks and distinguishes the whole; and as an ardent is always a jealous affection, your Colonies become suspicious, restive, and untractable whenever they see the least attempt to wrest from them by force, or shuffle from them by chicane, what they think the only advantage worth living for.
Translations Translations Verb

chicane (chicanes, present participle chicaning; past and past participle chicaned)

  1. (intransitive) To use chicanery, tricks or subterfuge.
  2. (transitive) To deceive.

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