  • (America) IPA: /ˈkloʊ.tʃɝ/, /ˈkloʊ.tʃɚ/
  • (British) IPA: /ˈkloʊ.tjʊə(ɹ)/


  1. (law, politics, chiefly, US) In legislative assemblies that permit#Verb|permit unlimited debate#Noun|debate (that is, a filibuster): a motion, procedure or rule by which debate is ended so that a vote#Noun|vote may be taken on the matter. For example, in the United States Senate, a three-fifths majority vote of the body is required to invoke cloture and terminate debate.
Synonyms Verb

cloture (clotures, present participle cloturing; past and past participle clotured)

  1. To end legislative debate by this means.

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