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- (British) IPA: /dɪˈspaɪt/
- In spite of, notwithstanding, regardless of.
- 1592–1609, William Shakespeare, Sonnet III:
- So thou through windows of thine age shall see
- Despite of wrinkles this thy golden time.
- 1592–1609, William Shakespeare, Sonnet XIX:
- Yet, do thy worst, old Time: despite thy wrong,
- My love shall in my verse ever live young.
- 1592–1609, William Shakespeare, Sonnet III:
- in spite of, maugre; see also Thesaurus:despite
- (obsolete) Disdain, contemptuous feelings, hatred.
- 1611, The Holy Bible, […] (King James Version), imprinted at London: By Robert Barker, […], OCLC 964384981 ↗, Ezekiel 25:6 ↗:
- all thy despite against the land of Israel
- 1599, Much Ado About Nothing, by William Shakespeare, Act 1 Scene 1
- DON PEDRO. Thou wast ever an obstinate heretic in the despite of beauty.
- (archaic) Action or behaviour displaying such feelings; an outrage, insult.
- 1485, Sir Thomas Malory, [;view=fulltext chapter iiij], in Le Morte Darthur, book II:
- he asked kynge Arthur yf he wold gyue hym leue to ryde after Balen and to reuenge the despyte that he had done / Doo your best said Arthur I am right wroth said Balen I wold he were quyte of the despyte that he hath done to me and to my Courte
- 1667, John Milton, “Book 6”, in Paradise Lost. A Poem Written in Ten Books, London: Printed [by Samuel Simmons], and are to be sold by Peter Parker […] [a]nd by Robert Boulter […] [a]nd Matthias Walker, […], OCLC 228722708 ↗; republished as Paradise Lost in Ten Books: The Text Exactly Reproduced from the First Edition of 1667: […], London: Basil Montagu Pickering […], 1873, OCLC 230729554 ↗:
- a despite done against the Most High
- 1485, Sir Thomas Malory, [;view=fulltext chapter iiij], in Le Morte Darthur, book II:
- Evil feeling; malice, spite.
, tr. Richard Crawley, Thucydides The Peloponnesian War: - And for these Corcyraeans--neither receive them into alliance in our despite, nor be their abettors in crime.
- French: en dépit de, malgré
- German: trotz
- Italian: nonostante, sebbene, malgrado
- Portuguese: a despeito de, apesar de, não obstante
- Russian: несмотря
- Spanish: a pesar de, pese a, no obstante, maguer, malgrado
despite (despites, present participle despiting; past and past participle despited)
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003