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- IPA: /əˈfɛnd/
offend (offends, present participle offending; past and past participle offended)
- (transitive) To hurt the feelings of; to displease; to make angry; to insult.
- Your accusations offend me deeply.
- 1995 September, The Playboy Interview: Cindy Crawford, Playboy
- One day my girlfriend, her boyfriend and I were sunbathing topless because that's Barbados - you can wear nothing if you want. And the Pepsi guy walks up and with my agent to meet us for lunch. I wondered if I should put on my top because I have a business relationship with him. I didn't want him to get offended because the rest of the beach had seen me with my top off.
- (intransitive) To feel or become offended; to take insult.
- Don't worry. I don't offend easily.
- (transitive) To physically harm, pain.
- Strong light offends the eye.
- (transitive) To annoy, cause discomfort or resent.
- Physically enjoyable frivolity can still offend the conscience
- (intransitive) To sin, transgress divine law or moral rules.
- (transitive) To transgress or violate a law or moral requirement.
- (obsolete, transitive, archaic, biblical) To cause to stumble; to cause to sin or to fall.
- 1896, Adolphus Frederick Schauffler, Select Notes on the International Sunday School Lessons, W. A. Wilde company, Page 161,
- "If any man offend not (stumbles not, is not tripped up) in word, the same is a perfect man."
- New Testament, Matthew 5:29 (Sermon on the Mount),
- "If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out."
- 1896, Adolphus Frederick Schauffler, Select Notes on the International Sunday School Lessons, W. A. Wilde company, Page 161,
- See also Thesaurus:offend
- French: offenser, déplaire
- German: beleidigen
- Italian: offendere
- Portuguese: ofender
- Russian: обижа́ть
- Spanish: ofender
- French: blesser
- Portuguese: prejudicar
- Russian: раздража́ть
- Portuguese: ofender
- Russian: наруша́ть
- Portuguese: ofender-se
- Russian: обижа́ться
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003