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- (British) IPA: /dɪˈtɪəɹɪəɹeɪt/
deteriorate (deteriorates, present participle deteriorating; past and past participle deteriorated)
- (transitive) To make worse; to make inferior in quality or value; to impair.
- to deteriorate the mind
- The art of war, like every other art, ecclesiastical architecture alone excepted, was greatly deteriorated during those years of general degradation […]
- (intransitive) To grow worse; to be impaired in quality; to degenerate.
- worsen
- to go off qual of foods
- nerf (gaming term)
- degenerate
- weaken
- deterioration
- deteriorative
- deteriorable
- French: détériorer
- German: verschlechtern
- Italian: deteriorare
- Portuguese: deteriorar, piorar, estragar
- Russian: ухудша́ть
- Spanish: deteriorar
- German: verschlechtern, sich verschlechtern
- Italian: deteriorarsi
- Portuguese: deteriorar, piorar
- Russian: ухудша́ться
- Spanish: deteriorar
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003