see also: Dev
Pronunciation Noun


  1. developer
  2. development
  3. (computing, UNIX) device

dev (plural devs)

  1. (Armenian mythology) a monster, dragon, serpent, or giant
  2. (Armenian mythology) immortal spirits who inhabit old ruins

Proper noun
  1. A male given name from India.
Proper noun
  1. (Irish history) Abbreviation of Éamon de Valera}, former president of Ireland.
Proper noun
  1. (UK, slang) The Devonshire Arms#London, an alternative pub in Camden, London.
    • 2013, Jon Wilmot, The Reunion (page 135)
      The Dev was a long-standing favourite, as was Hawley Arms and The World's End, but he found greater pleasure in seeking out the smaller, lesser known bars and pubs.
    • 2013, Maria Mellins, Vampire Culture (page 47)
      The vampire community offers a variety of activities, ranging from obscure events, such as carve your own tombstone, gothic belly dancing, and Kensal Green Cemetery walks to more regular pub and club nights at alternative venues, such as The Dev (the Devonshire Arms, Camden), the Intrepid Fox, Slimelight, and Torture Garden.

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