Pronunciation Noun

dhow (plural dhows)

  1. (nautical) A traditional sailing vessel used along the coasts of Arabia, East Africa, and the Indian Ocean, generally having a single mast and a lateen sail.
    • 2001, David M Besaw, Joshua, Trafford Publishing, page 251 ↗,
      Joshua continued preparing breakfast, Bijan returned to piloting the dhow offshore and Pourghasem returned to his watch. […] Several dhows were on the water and some fishermen were already at work.
    • 2003, Suzanne Miers, Slavery in the Twentieth Century: The Evolution of a Global Problem, Rowman & Littlefield (AltaMira), page 78 ↗,
      The navy sometimes hired dhows for its patrols. […] If a dhow was stopped, the slaves could not be counted on to make their presence known, having probably been told that the Europeans would kill them.
    • 2011, J. W. Heldring, The Killing of Dr. Albrecht Roscher, Xlibris, page 109 ↗,
      They took a dhow from Mombasa bound for Aden and planned to take a larger vessel to Suez and then overland to Cairo.

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