see also: DIB

dib (dibs, present participle dibbing; past and past participle dibbed)

  1. To dig a hole by poking; especially, to dig a small hole in soil for the purpose of planting a bulb or seed
  2. To move in a rapid, cautious manner; especially, with movement like a mouse or rat.

dib (plural dibs)

  1. A dibber (gardening tool)
  2. One of the small bones in the knee joints of sheep uniting the bones above and below the joints.

dib (dibs, present participle dibbing; past and past participle dibbed)

  1. (scouting) Alternative form of dyb


dib (plural dibs)

  1. (computing) Abbreviation of device#English|device-independent#English|independent bitmap#English|bitmap.
  2. (astronomy, spectroscopy) Abbreviation of diffuse interstellar band.

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