  • (RP) IPA: /daɪˈvɜːdʒ/, /dɪˈvɜːdʒ/
  • (America) IPA: /dɪˈvɝdʒ/

diverge (diverges, present participle diverging; past and past participle diverged)

  1. (intransitive, literally, of lines or paths) To run apart; to separate; to tend into different directions.
    • 1916, Robert Frost, “The Road Not Taken” (poem), in Mountain Interval:
      Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, / And sorry I could not travel both / […]
  2. (intransitive, figuratively, of interests, opinions, or anything else) To become different; to run apart; to separate; to tend into different directions.
    • 2012, Christoper Zara, Tortured Artists: From Picasso and Monroe to Warhol and Winehouse, the Twisted Secrets of the World's Most Creative Minds, part 1, chapter 1, gbooks :
      The brooding, black-clad singer bridged a stark divide that emerged in the recording industry in the 1950s, as post-Elvis pop singers diverged into two camps and audiences aligned themselves with either the sideburned rebels of rock 'n' roll or the cowboy-hatted twangsters of country music.
    Both stories start out the same way, but they diverge halfway through.
  3. (intransitive, literally, of a line or path) To separate, to tend into a different direction (from another line or path).
    The sidewalk runs next to the street for a few miles, then diverges from it and turns north.
  4. (intransitive, figuratively, of an interest, opinion, or anything else) To become different, to separate (from another line or path).
    The software is pretty good, except for a few cases where its behavior diverges from user expectations.
  5. (intransitive, mathematics, of a sequence, series, or function) Not to converge: to have no limit, or no finite limit.
    The sequence x_n = n^2 diverges to infinity: that is, it increases without bound.
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