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- Able to be eaten; edible.
- 1845 October – 1846 June, Ellis Bell [pseudonym; Emily Brontë], Wuthering Heights: A Novel, volume XIII, London: Thomas Cautley Newby, publisher, […], published December 1847, OCLC 156123328 ↗:
- The contents of the pan began to boil, and he turned to plunge his hand into the bowl; I conjectured that this preparation was probably for our supper, and, being hungry, I resolved it should be eatable;
- 1911, Baboon, article in Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition,
- Their diet includes practically everything eatable they can capture or kill.
eatable (plural eatables)
- (mostly, in the plural) Anything edible; food.
- 1675, E. W., An Exact Relation of All the Late Revolutions in Messina, London, p. 2,
- The Excise which is laid very high throughout all Sicily, especially upon all eatables and wearing apparel is usually there […]
- 1773, Oliver Goldsmith, She Stoops to Conquer, London: F. Newbery, Act II, p. 18,
- Ecod, your worship, I never have courage till I see the eatables and drinkables brought upo’ the table, and then I’m as bauld as a lion.
- 1857, Thomas Hughes, Tom Brown's School Days, Part I, Chapter 2,
- […] the ground […] was already being occupied by the “cheap Jacks,” with their green-covered carts and marvellous assortment of wares; and the booths of more legitimate small traders, with their tempting arrays of fairings and eatables; and penny peep-shows and other shows, containing pink-eyed ladies, and dwarfs, and boa-constrictors, and wild Indians.
- 1908, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables, London: L.C. Page & Co., Chapter 21, p. 222,
- “You’ll be using the best tea-set, of course, Marilla,” she said. “Can I fix up the table with ferns and wild roses?”
- “I think that’s all nonsense,” sniffed Marilla. “In my opinion it’s the eatables that matter and not flummery decorations.”
- 2011, “For kids’ sake, a long, cold wake,” Deccan Herald, 8 January, 2011,
- The presence of a large number of people ensured that vendors selling eatables made brisk business.
- 1675, E. W., An Exact Relation of All the Late Revolutions in Messina, London, p. 2,
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