  • (GA, Northern England) IPA: /ˈfeɪs.mæsk/
  • (RP) IPA: /ˈfeɪs.mɑːsk/

facemask (plural facemasks)

  1. A covering used to protect or disguise the face.
    1. (diving) A full-face diving mask.
    2. (medicine) A surgical mask.
    3. A mask made of common textiles worn over the mouth and nose, such as a bandana, handkerchief, or scarf.
    4. A dust mask.
    5. A respirator.
  2. A facial mask.
  3. (American football, Canadian football) The part of the helmet that directly covers the face, made of one or more plastic-coated metal bars.
  4. (American football, Canadian football) The foul of grasping it during play.
Related terms Translations Translations Translations Translations
  • Spanish: sujetar de la máscara

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