
flashforward (plural flashforwards)

  1. (authorship) A dramatic device in which a future event is inserted into the normal chronological flow of a narrative.
    • 2013, "Depp’s Tonto: an upgrade on a stereotype or just an updated stereotype?", The Washington Post, http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/depps-tonto-an-upgrade-on-a-stereotype-or-just-an-updated-stereotype/2013/07/02/36017696-dea3-11e2-b2d4-ea6d8f477a01_story_1.html
      This "Lone Ranger" begins and ends in a flash-forward, with an elderly Tonto installed in a carnival diorama behind a sign that reads "The Noble Savage."
  • German: Vorausblende

flashforward (flashforwards, present participle flashforwarding; past and past participle flashforwarded)

  1. To use this dramatic device.

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