
flyspeck (plural flyspecks)

  1. Housefly excrement, visible as a minuscule black dot.
    The wall of the kitchen above the fruitbowl was dotted with flyspeck.
  2. (by extension) Anything tiny or insignificant.
    hypo en
    From the foothills below, Jean, Jan, and James were mere flyspecks, easily lost among the straggly pines that formed the treeline.
    We passed through some flyspeck town, barely more than a gas station and a stoplight, but I never saw the name.

flyspeck (flyspecks, present participle flyspecking; past and past participle flyspecked)

  1. To bespeckle with tiny spatters of color.
  2. To inspect in minute detail to ensure that something contains no flaws; nitpick.

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