  • (British) IPA: /ˌfɔːˈkləʊz/
  • (America) IPA: /ˌfɔɹˈkloʊz/

foreclose (forecloses, present participle foreclosing; past and past participle foreclosed)

  1. (transitive, legal) To repossess a mortgaged property whose owner has failed to make the necessary payments; used with on.
    They have to move out of their house because the bank foreclosed on their mortgage.
  2. (transitive, legal) To cut off (a mortgager) by a judgment of court from the power of redeeming the mortgaged premises.
  3. (transitive, originally) To shut up or out; to prevent from doing something.
    Synonyms: stop, prevent, bar, exclude
    • The embargo with Spain foreclosed this trade.
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