
freefall (uncountable)

  1. (physics) The state of being in a motion affected by no acceleration (force) other than that provided by gravity.
  2. (common usage) The state of falling with no interference from outside forces other than the air resistance (no open parachute, etc.)
  3. (by extension) The state of worsening out of control.
    As civil war continues in Iraq, the U.S. president's approval ratings are in freefall.
Translations Translations
  • French: chute libre
  • Italian: caduta libera
  • Portuguese: queda livre
  • Italian: caduta libera
  • Portuguese: queda livre

freefall (freefalls, present participle freefalling; past freefell, past participle freefallen)

  1. To drop in a state of freefall.
    A base jumper attempts to freefall for as long as possible before triggering the parachute.

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